Zen Shiatsu Practitioner Training, Ericeira, 14. – 19. November 2023
6-Day-Training with teachers Jochen Knau & Lea Mirbach in Ericaira
Join this Zen Shiatsu Practitioner Training into the depths of TCM bodywork sessions, and the art of intuitive touch as tools for guidance to facilitate a healthy and balanced way of living for you and your future Shiatsu clients.
Through continuous practice of the methods of Zen Shiatsu and 5 Elements Qi Gong, we come closer to ourselves. Openness, serenity, calmness and vitality – qualities that are given to us by nature – become more present in our everyday life.
In order to be able to develop our creative abilities out of a healthy mind, it requires a dissolution of all beliefs and the training on a mind-body level.
During the 6 days of the training, you’ll be learning the holistic content of TCM, focusing on the Daoistic laws of nature, doing bodywork along the 12 meridians, and practicing a conscious state of mind through daily Zazen Meditation and the movements of 5 Elements Qi Gong.
Benefit and connect with the group energy and experience powerful and inspiring sharings together.Throughout the week, you will be able to apply your knowledge in partner practices, while you will be supervised and guided by 2 experienced facilitators.
Jochen Knau
With more than 30 years of experience as a health practitioner and trainer for the Zen Shiatsu method, Jochen Knau is recognized by the German Society for Alternative Medicine (DGAM) as a cooperation partner. In 1999 he founded the „Center for Harmonic Movement“ in Berlin, where he has been teaching Aikido (6th Dan), Qi Gong and Zen Shiatsu – and now expanding his trainings to Portugal.
Lea Mirbach
Once a student of Jochen Knau, Lea has moved from Berlin to Portugal after her graduation as a practitioner, in 2017.
Since then, Lea is passionate about teaching Chi-Body-Awareness, Zen Shiatsu, Emotional Release, Breathwork and Qi Gong. She perceives touch as a somatic tool for activating, dissolving, and re-aligning the energies and emotions moving through our body.
6-Day Training € 900
(incl. accommodation & food)
limited to 12 spots
Interested? Send us an email and we provide you with the training program and reservation details.
Mail to: xiboa.healing@gmail.com