
Sex and Essence – Somatic Retreat for Men (in English)

12. März um 12:00 – 15. März um 18:00

Life Artists Creators Hub – Mila Strasse 4, 10437 Berlin

With Ilan Stephani

»Sex and Essence« is an intense somatic retreat exclusively for men to release sexual conditioning and to reclaim their own sexual essence, power and truth.

»Sex and Essence« is a four day seminar blending different energetic, somatic, sexual and traditional methods in a unique way. We work with tools from tantra, modern trauma research, breath work, scientific knowledge around gender, sexuality and pelvic floor anatomy, and we are exploring collective sexual shadows, flow states and ecstasy.

Four days full of movement and curiosity, power and vulnerability, questioning and experiencing instead of performing. Four days of vibrant aliveness instead of wearing our cultural-sexual masks.

#SexAndEssence is for you, if you
want a powerful and radically self-responsible way to get to know yourself from a new perspective – free from role models and sexual clichés
are ready to question old sexual self images and to exchange your comfort zone of believe systems for an open adventure of vulnerability and essence.

(Read more about »Sex and Essence« in this post here

You‘ll learn (among other things):

– how to let sexual energy flow instead of constricting it
– how to be more tuned in and present as a lover
– the power and essence of sexual shadow work
– how to use sexual “problems” for real transformation instead of using it for shame and self critique
– how to free yourself from old belief systems, cultural -prohibitions and taboos
– how to un-learn feelings of guilt and shame connected to sexuality
– contemporary and individual definitions of masculinity and sexuality
– how to separate orgasm and ejaculation – and how not to 😉
– how to turn orgasm into ecstasy
– how you can contribute concretely to a happy sexual future on this planet…
– how sex becomes a full body experience, that you can feel everywhere in your body and that is a new experience every time…
-how sex becomes a full body experience, that you can feel anywhere and keep getting to know it from a new perspectives

Some»Sex and Essence« teachings and practices are being audio recorded. You can receive them afterwards to use for your further practice in daily life.

Before you apply please note:
»Sex and Essence« consciously breaks old role images. Meaning, all sexual orientations and all possible facettes of “masculinity” are welcome. I just use the word “men” to less complicate my sentences.

In »Sex and Essence« there is no nudity or mutual intimate or genital encounters but a lot of touch. You need to feel comfortable to support other men through touch.

»Sex and Essence« is for men and lead by a woman. If you know this fact will automatically and fundamentally trigger you – then this seminar is NOT for you.

»Sex and Essence« is dedicated to a new approach of sexuality – a path that is surprising and challenging and disappoints many projections towards sex. I should say: the seminar consists of bone work instead of wellness. Please be prepared for this challenge.

»Sex and Essence« is NOT a sexual healing seminar. If you currently suffer from symptoms of sexual trauma, please connect with an experienced sexual trauma therapist. I recommend Somatic Experience Therapists.

Date: 12-15 March 2020
Daily Time Schedule: 12.00 – 18.00h

Life Artists CREATORS HUB (Pyramid Floor)
Milastr. 4,
10437 Berlin

Investment: 720€
Early Bird: 680€ (until 31.01.2020)

Buy tickets here